Monte da Casteleja


Opening of “Peregrinação” at the Fortress of Sagres

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From the 3rd until the 24th of September, the Fortaleza de Sagres hosted the Colective Exibition PEREGRINAÇÃO, organized by Tertúlia (Aljezur). At the Opening event, the chef José Pinheiro made a Food Performance in which he gave our wine a special role.


Harvest at Monte da Casteleja 2016

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Another year and another harvest at Monte da Casteleja!

On this 13th edition we kept of course the “old-fashioned way” of picking and treading the grapes.

After a demanding morning of non-stop picking, everyone was invited for the traditional long and joyfull lunch. At the end of the day, the emotions reached a peak when , inside the cellar, everyone was dancing and treading the grapes, motivated by the dynamic music the dj was selecting.

We are truly grateful to this group of brave people from various countries, full of positive energy that helped us to produce a unique wine… that you will be able to savour some months from now.

Testimonial from a danish visitor

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tom-borgesI attended a tasting 17 or 18th August and wanted to say in this email as I had to go quite quickly, that I found your organic wines quite exciting in ways I was not expecting. They are very well priced for such a producer as yourself also. The white was elegant and balanced with beautiful minerality. The rose was fun but refined and with interesting fruits, but alas this is all from memory and sadly I am unlikely to be able to taste them again.

I drank almost every bottle of wine that I bought over the next few days and don’t regret it. I have one of the good reds lying down on a shelf in my boat to be drunk on a special occasion. Keep up the good work. It would be nice to talk about wine some day, I thought the group I was with were quite a tough crowd!

Tom Borges

Organic wine lecture in Centro Ciência Viva de Lagos

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Last thursday we had a lecture and wine tasting in the Centro Ciência Viva de Lagos. The topic was the benefits of organic wine for the environment and for a healthy diet.

Would be difficult to have a better late afternoon, for those who attended the
lecture and tasted the organic wines with Guillaume Leroux of Monte da Casteleja.

We thank Centro de Ciência Viva de Lagos for the excellent initiative, the photos and the kind words.

Monte da Casteleja Christmas hampers… a special gift!

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To offer one of our Christmas hampers is to offer a very special gift… after all this organic nectar of the gods is crafted in the Algarve paradise!

Contact us directly to order one:

telefone: 282 798 408 ou telemóvel: 91 782 90 59

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Terra Sã Lisboa 2015 – Portuguese Organic Agriculture Fair

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Next weekend Monte da Casteleja is going to Lisbon to the National Fair of Organic Farming  – Terra Sã Lisboa 2015 (5 and 6 of December), Pátio da Galé, in Terreiro do Paço.

This year the fair is dedicated to the theme “Grow Green – The New Farmers” and features a packed program of activities, with different workshops for children and adults, lectures on organic farming and healthy Food, and music. See the program online (.pdf in portuguese)

Come meet this fantastic fair, be with us and taste our organic wines, among the best 169 wines of Portugal!

More at