Monte da Casteleja


Testimonial from a danish visitor

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tom-borgesI attended a tasting 17 or 18th August and wanted to say in this email as I had to go quite quickly, that I found your organic wines quite exciting in ways I was not expecting. They are very well priced for such a producer as yourself also. The white was elegant and balanced with beautiful minerality. The rose was fun but refined and with interesting fruits, but alas this is all from memory and sadly I am unlikely to be able to taste them again.

I drank almost every bottle of wine that I bought over the next few days and don’t regret it. I have one of the good reds lying down on a shelf in my boat to be drunk on a special occasion. Keep up the good work. It would be nice to talk about wine some day, I thought the group I was with were quite a tough crowd!

Tom Borges

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